WILMINGTON, DE, July 23, 2012
One of the organizational goals of the Delaware Housing Opportunity Fund, Inc. (DEHOFI) is to provide financial assistance in the area of housing needs for working class Delawareans. DEHOFI is a local charity originated and piliminarily funded by New Castle County Board of REALTORS. On July 23rd, a project began for Cynthia Williams, of Wilmington, to replace floor beams which had rotted out in the front living room, hallway and front bedroom of her home. The house is over 55 years old and Mrs. Williams has lived there for 46 years, since her first son was just ten months old.
Mrs. Williams had noticed the problem a few years ago and more recently realized it was getting worse. Her biggest concern was the front bedroom where her grandson would sleep. As part of this project, the beams under the floor were replaced which enabled the floors to also be replaced and become stable, creating a safe living environment for Mrs. Williams. There was also a leaking pipe under the kitchen sink that needed to be repaired and the floor under the sink was replaced. Mrs. Williams asked for her original fuse box to be updated for safety reasons. She just celebrated her 77th birthday on July 24th and works part time driving mentally challenged adults back and forth to daily programs and then home again. She very much enjoys her job but did not have the money to pay to have this project done due to her immense medical bills after surgery in 2005 that left her a survivor of breast cancer.
Gregory Williams of G Will Enterprises, LLC Construction Services, general contractor on the project, said that he had worked with Ms. Belle of Ingleside Senior Services to help coordinate the scheduling of the project and said that “the beams were completely rotted out and needed to be replaced.” Mrs. Williams is so appreciative of all that is being done for her and feels very blessed that DEHOFI was able to help her. She said her project was approved for funding within a month of her initial contact and that the construction began soon after that.
DEHOFI was founded in 2008 and is a 501c3 corporation that provides financial assistance in areas of housing needs to include but not limited to: low and moderate home-ownership, community development, disaster response specific to housing and financial support to other organizations involved in parallel missions. In 2011 they invested over half of the funds they raised to help keep low and moderate income homeowners in safe, clean and decent housing environments. The remaining funds were allocated to other projects including settlement help and veterans assistance programs.
For more information about the Delaware Housing Opportunity Fund, or to find out how you or your company can get involved, visit www.dehousingfund.com or call their main office at (302) 762-4800 ex. 122.
Your tax-deductible donation is a crucial part in providing assistance to Delawareans in need. Since 2011, DEHOFI has provided grant funding for 17 low income first time buyers, accessed more than $16,000 that enabled a local partner organization to provide financial counseling to more than 500 individuals and families, has provided funding for 56 income qualified individual or families to have essential repairs (roofs, heaters, access steps, mold removal etc.) and made a parallel grant to a local agency that works to keep low income seniors in their homes.