WILMINGTON, DE, August 21, 2012
One of the organization-wide goals of the Delaware Housing Opportunity Fund, Inc. (DEHOFI) is to provide financial assistance in the area of housing needs for working class Delawareans. They are a local charity originated and primarily funded by New Castle County Realtors. DEHOFI is on the move again. On August 13th, a project was well underway for Mary, of Wilmington, to do many small repairs to her home and one larger project to repair the water damaged ceiling in her kitchen from a leaking toilet in the bathroom on the second floor.
Mary no longer works but helps with a Sunday School Arts & Crafts program. She also cares for her grandson in the summer and on the weekends. She has been aware of these problems for about 13 years but commented “When you live with such problems but cannot afford to fix them, you just get used to it.” DEHOFI feels that no one should have to live like this. Mary learned about DEHOFI through the Swank Memory Care Center, where she is a patient. They referred her to Ingleside Senior Services where she spoke with Terry, who she later met along with Greg Williams, the contractor who did the repair work. Terry and Greg spoke with Mary about the problems she was having and they made a list of necessary repairs. The list of repairs to be done included removing and replacing the rotted ceiling in the kitchen, replacing rotted wood below the dining room windows to seal the windows and prevent a draft, install new crown molding in the dining room, hang a ceiling fan in the upstairs bedroom, repairing the handrail leading down to the basement to make it secure, installing a closet door in the upstairs bathroom and also installing a safety rail in the bathtub.
Mary was so grateful to DEHOFI and every single person involved for helping her by making things at home easier and safer for her. She said that the whole process was very smooth and once she found out that her project was approved, the work began in about one week.
DEHOFI was founded in 2008 and is a 501©3 corporation that provides financial assistance in areas of housing needs to include but not limited to: low and moderate homeownership, community development, disaster response specific to housing and financial support to other organizations involved in parallel missions. More than 50% of the funds they raise are invested to help keep low and moderate income homeowners in safe, clean and decent housing environments. The remaining funds are allocated to other projects including settlement help and veterans assistance programs. For more information about the Delaware Housing Opportunity Fund, or to find out how you or your company can get involved, visit www.dehousingfund.com or call their main office at (302) 762-4800.
Your tax-deductible donation is a crucial part in providing assistance to Delawareans in need. Since 2011, DEHOFI has provided grant funding for 17 low income first time buyers, accessed more than $16,000 that enabled a local partner organization to provide financial counseling to more than 500 individuals and families, has provided funding for 56 income qualified individual or families to have essential repairs (roofs, heaters, access steps, mold removal etc.) and made a parallel grant to a local agency that works to keep low income seniors in their homes.