First time homebuyers Levi and Sheree were excited to be living the dream of home ownership. That is until they discovered that the basement of their new home had significant leakage and water damage. There was no way they could afford the cost of such repairs and they thought they had nowhere to turn.
In a moment of desperation, Levi and Sheree reached out to their settlement attorney Bill Ward of Ward & Taylor. Bill listened to their concerns and being a board member of DEHOFI, quickly realized that we could help. DEHOFI was able to install water proofing basement system at no cost to the home owners.
There was no long application process, no strict criteria to meet, no wait list….just people. People who needed help and an organization of people who were willing to give it. That is what sets DEHOFI apart . And this is why DEHOFI needs your support.
Please contact DE.HOFI about donating or volunteering so we can help others keep the dream of home ownership alive!
Be part of this important cause
Your tax-deductible donation is a crucial part in providing assistance to Delawareans in need. Since 2011, DEHOFI has provided grant funding for 17 low income first time buyers, accessed more than $16,000 that enabled a local partner organization to provide financial counseling to more than 500 individuals and families, has provided funding for 56 income qualified individual or families to have essential repairs (roofs, heaters, access steps, mold removal etc.) and made a parallel grant to a local agency that works to keep low income seniors in their homes.