NEW PROJECT ALERT! DEHOFI, in conjunction with the generosity of Mark Aiken of Horizon Services, Inc,. is happy to report that we are coordinating the installation of a new furnace for a member of our own community!
Mrs. Crosby recently had surgery and was essentially home bound. She has been living without any heat other than a small portable heater and the occasional warmth from the stove burners. Our strategic partners at Ingelside were contacted and immediately met with Mrs. Crosby, assessed her needs, and in turn reached HVAC specialists out to DEHOFI to spearhead a quick response.
We are happy to report that Mrs. Crosby will not have to suffer in these dangerous conditions any longer. A new furnace will be installed and operational before the serious December chills arrive!
Stay tuned for updates on our progress!
UPDATE: 12/3/15- Horizon's HVAC specialists are out today installing the new furnace for Mrs. Crosby! Check out the "before" photos to see why we do what we do.
Be part of this important cause
Your tax-deductible donation is a crucial part in providing assistance to Delawareans in need. Since 2011, DEHOFI has provided grant funding for 17 low income first time buyers, accessed more than $16,000 that enabled a local partner organization to provide financial counseling to more than 500 individuals and families, has provided funding for 56 income qualified individual or families to have essential repairs (roofs, heaters, access steps, mold removal etc.) and made a parallel grant to a local agency that works to keep low income seniors in their homes.